Friday, June 28, 2013

Note: Europe WOOOOOO

So... I took a break. I'm leaving for a family trip to Europe today and the past week has gone really fast. I got half way through the next entry, but I don't want to publish it if it's not done.

I will be back on the 15th of July, and I'm not allowed to take my laptop so I won't make any more entries until I get back! It will be a long time, and I'm sorry I can't give you anything to read until then. Make sure to come back, though, I'll have an entry or two published withing a couple days of my return. Enjoy your summer and happy early independence day!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Entry #14 SAFARIII

Trainer: Triton
Money: 78672
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 39 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 40 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 43 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 38 Ability: Hustle
I'm going to start linking moves now, since I mention them so many times.

With my 6th gym badge and now super-powered Charizard, I left to get through the rest of Route 120. Since I had already caught an Elekid, my focus was on battling trainers and finding items. There came a special spot where I ran into two consecutive trainers with Wobbuffet, which are notorious for taking out Pokémon with Counter, Mirror Coat, and especially Destiny Bond. I have a history with them that's similar to my history with Norman's gym or even worse, it's that bad.
So, like with Norman's gym, I worked to find an answer to this problem. Luckily, it came to me while I was battling these two trainers - Venomoth is incredibly well equipped to take Wobbuffet out. A powerful Bug, Dark, or Ghost type move, high speed, and an ability to cause damage without attacking is what's required. Venomoth has that high speed and the moves Supersonic and Silver Wind! It was simple for me to confuse them and chip at their HP, then finish them off with Silver Wind whenever Wobbuffet hadn't used Destiny Bond during the turn before. Wobbuffet is a problem no more!
This is unfair.

Deal with it.
Thank you for the EXP, good day sir

I reached route 121 safely and continued to battle my way towards Lilycove. I was approaching the Safari Zone when a huge Wailord jumped out of the grass.
After I caught her, I understood why she might've been happy to see me, because her ability was Suction Cups. In other words, beached and no way to get back to the ocean. I named her Palluka because she was big palooka and I ventured a poor guess on how to spell palooka. She was also holding TM 12 Spikes, which might explain another reason why she couldn't move... No graphic for this one, I'll save you the horror.

I then reached the Safari Zone, but I couldn't enter without a Pokéblock case. I moved on, fighting six trainers or so before I reached Lilycove City. The man at the Safari Zone told me that I could get a Pokéblock case at the Lilycove contest hall, so I went over and got one. I needed some Pokéblocks too to keep Pokémon from running away, so I played around with the blending machines and got 20 or so Pokéblocks. I'm prepping a lot for this because I treat the Safari Zone differently than a normal route. There are four areas (six actually, but two are closed until after the elite four), so instead of just one "Safari Zone" Pokémon, I will get one for each area, so four chances. This is because it's a lot harder to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone. They can run away depending on how you approach them. Pokéblocks keep them from running as long as they like the Pokéblock whereas getting closer will increase the chance that they run, but it also makes them easier to catch.... Blah, this is a lot of info, so here's a TLDR: Safari Zone, four areas, therefore four chances, Pokémon harder to catch, let's go!
(Typing this as I go)
Area 1: Cloyster (SWEET)
Gave a pokéblock, then crept closer. Still there to catch! Pokéball #1: 3 wiggles, but no dice. Pokéball #2.. IT'S IN!!
Named her Crystal

Area 2: Lotad
Gave a pokéblock, crept closer twice and threw Pokéball #1. Wiggled three times but not in. Pokéball 2: 1 wiggle. Pokéball 3: 1 wiggle. It ran away...

Area 3: Butterfree!
Gave a pokéblock, crept closer, still there! Pokéball #1: Caught!!
Named him Umbra
Also found TM 22 Moonlight (before I caught Umbra, to explain the moon-based nickname)

Area 4: Corsola
The mooch took my Pokéblock and ran...

Two for four!
Ability: Water Veil
Ability: Cacophony

And the two I wanted most as well. Welcome to the team!

I went back to Lilycove then and started exploring the city. A guy on the edge of town gave me TM 44 Curse (Would be Rest in normal games). I also found a Max Repel by the lighthouse and a few hidden items on the beach, then I went to the water to get another Pokémon (the beach is still in Lilycove!). After failing at the fishing rod a dozen times because my game was going at emulator speed (way too fast for precision), I went surfing and found a female Masquerain. This is like.. my fifth flying bug, after Venomoth, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Volbeat.

Bugs seem to like me, just imagine what I could do with this power!

My enemies should cower in fear


I caught her and named her Queen in case I do indeed need a bug type after Flafa. Really Beedrill or Butterfree could do as well, but I never had a Masquerain on my team before, another possible under-rated Bug type! Back at Lilycove's center, I met May in front of the department store. She wanted another battle of course, so out went Electabuzz!
HEHEHE, let's see what you got!

Her first Pokémon was Ditto, and Thunderpunch knocked it into red before it could transform, and Swift took care of the rest.
Next out was Magikarp... you can probably guess how that went.
Mr. Mime came after, and I sent in Venomoth. Silver Wind knocked it out right away and Psybeam did the same to Kakuna.
Yeah... my rival battles are hilariously easy. xD

I went into the department store afterwards and looked around for new random TMs to try. In numerical order, I got TM 14 Swagger, TM 15 Sandstorm, TM 16 Mega Punch, TM 17 Icy Wind, TM 20 Selfdestruct (NONONO), TM 25 Bubblebeam, TM 33 Rapid Spin, and TM 38 Stomp. So... nothing good! That's OKAY, I think my luck with TMs has been incredibly good already with Covet, Teeter Dance, Milk Drink (lol), and Eruption (RAWR). Still.. maybe Dragon Claw for Kingdra instead of Twister? Oh well. I hoped to find solace on the roof where a Move Tutor normally taught Substitute, but he only taught Horn Attack. Okay...
Ugh, I will take out some anger in the next issue, when I meet Team Aqua and Team Magma on Mt. Pyre. Time to add a few more gravestones?

Trainer: Triton
Money: 70744
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 42 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 42 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 40 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 44 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 40 Ability: Hustle

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Entry #13 Raining Aqua Grunts

Trainer: Triton
Money: 92912
Badges: 5
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 37 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 39 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 38 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 42 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 36 Ability: Hustle
All of my training for Norman's gym has been paying off. The six Team Aqua members, including the Admin, were hardly a match even with tough Pokémon. Sandy and Flafa each took half, with Flafa taking the last three and knocking out Admin Shelly's Sceptile with one Silver Wind. The goons bolted afterwards for Mt. Pyre, where Team Magma was reported to be heading.

Meteor Falls, Mt. Chimney, and now Mt. Pyre?
Mountains must be attractive for rival battling because of the atmosphere. There is a feeling of solitude that keeps focus on the battle, the air is fresh and chilly, and your mom probably has no idea where you are.

The head researcher there gave me a Pokémon for my help. Normally, it would be Castform, but instead I got a level 25 male Slowking with the ability Own Tempo, which prevents confusion. His psychic intelligence, replacement of Castform, and water type all converged and I thought of the movie Rain Man (Great movie, watch it!).

"All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base."
-Zubat used Confuse Ray!-
"What's the guy's name on first base?
No, what's the guy's name on second base."
-Slowking's Own Tempo Prevents confusion!-  
"Have you got a first baseman on first? Yeah."
-Slowking used Psychic!- 
"Then who's playing first? Yeah."
-Zubat was forced to solve the problem!- 
"You know the fella's name? Yeah."
-It's super effective!- 
"Then who's playing first? Yeah." 

-Zubat fainted-

I found out about his ability later, but it made sense. Autism just means that they think at their own pace in their own way, and if an Own Tempo Slowking doesn't symbolize that as well as I think it does, it's okay because Rainman is an epic nickname.

Leaving the institute, I went across the bridge and started climbing stairs to the jungle of Fortree when my rival came up from behind on a bike to challenge me to a battle. My first Pokémon out was Flafa (Venomoth) and she took down her Hitmonchan, her Kakuna, and her SECOND Kakuna without more than a little damage from Hitmonchan's Fire Punch. She praised me for my amazing trainer skills and gave me HM 02 Fly. Sandy was the only one who could learn it, but she just got wing attack and I didn't have an immediate need to fly, so I held on to it.


Four trainers and psybeam frenzies (from Venomoth) later, I arrived at Fortree City. After healing, I talked around and got TM 10 Toxic from an old woman. Besides that, there was no more free stuff, and the city's gym was being blocked by some invisible Pokémon (no longer Kecleon due to the randomizer), so I left for Route 120. In the long grasses, I ran into what would be my second male Elekid! Caught it, named it Teslabuzz, and sent it back to the PC. I pushed ahead until I ran into Steven, who gave me the Devon Scope, the tool that reveals invisible Pokémon. He had me battle an invisible Doduo that fell quickly to Electabuzz's thunderpunch. Then I went back to route 119 and found an invisible Zangoose, which I also defeated and got the hyper potion she was blocking. Last was the one in Fortree blocking the gym and maybe my next companion. What could it be?

I never found out, apparently this one runs from you instead of battling.... sad face. I kept my chin high even so, because it was time for another gym! Winona's trainers were better than most I've faced in the past. There were many double battles and a lot of defensively-typed Pokémon including Nidorina and Hypno, all around level 30, but overall no problem for my now at least level 38 Pokémon. Eventually, I solved the puzzle of the spinning bars and reached Winona.

Winona had 5 Pokémon. First up was Kingdra! I switched in King Pepé and we had an epic Twister battle. Being 9 levels higher, King Pepé won magnificently.

Fortree is now Forstump


Next out was Umbreon (I really like her team so far), and I sent in Venomoth. Silver Wind took it out and she sent out Phanpy. King Pepé surfed Phanpy away, Machamp karate chopped Castform, and Charizard knocked out Meditite with Wing Attack. Battle done, I accepted my sixth badge and TM 40, which would normally contain Ariel Ace. This time, it taught Eruption.
Holy crap, please please please please please.... YES!!!

Timid by nature, yes... but a force to be reckoned with.
My Charizard learned it. As useful as flamethrower is, eruption is a mega power boost as long as Charizard stays in good health. The move's power decreases with health, but Charizard's naturally high speed will get at least one good shot in. One will definitely be enough with 225 (STAB) power and Charizard's exceptional special attack.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 78672
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 39 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 40 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 43 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 38 Ability: Hustle

Monday, June 17, 2013

Entry #12 Side-tracked

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 36 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 34 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 36 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 37 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 34 Ability: Hustle

On my way through Mauville City to cross to the East side of the Hoenn Region, I ran into Wattson, who seemed to be looking for something. That something was a Pokémon trainer, and that Pokémon trainer was Triton, and that Triton is me, so I helped him out.
The repetition train stops there, I'm afraid. Continuing with "and me is/was" will only get THEM after me.

Yeah, yeah..

Wattson wanted me to go to New Mauville, a power plant off to the side of route 110, and turn the generator off. Otherwise, it might blow up and everything within a large radius would vanish, including Rydel's Cycles whose very generous sponsorship I had yet to repay. Better late than never!
New Mauville was confusing; doors, switches, and savage pokéballs that released rabid Persian, but I caught a level 23 Magneton! I finally found the generator room and jumped on the off-switch. Picking up the thunderstone that was nearby, I navigated through the switches again and came out to the fresh air. When I met back up with Wattson, he gave me TM 24, and instead of Thunderbolt, it was Milk Drink. Like Softboiled, it heals HP, so I let Electabuzz learn it.



 Uh, Gigabuzz?

Right, a milk bottle

Because most battles don't reveal a Pokémon's ability, I always have to wait for the end of a route or cave to be able to go to the PC and see what it is. It's something I looked forward to because of all the weird ability-Pokémon combos would show up in the PC lists for you all to see. I don't do that anymore because my PC lists got too lengthy, but I wish to share the surprise I got when I came back and found that the Magneton in this game have the ability Pick-Up.

Yeah, these magnets finally WORK

It's following us 


Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap

The first big thing that came to my mind was the randomizer: were the found items randomized as well? So I put Tron (Magneton's nickname) in for Electabuzz and trained it for a long time. At level 30 (seven levels later), it had found two repels, two super potions, an ultra ball, a full heal, a revive, and more things that are consistent with the normal finds. With Covet, Aerodactyl's move, gone, this was a blow, but a fair one at that. I will push on without the added amusement of more random items, at least for now!
One last side-trip to take was to the Move Tutor in Fallarbor Town. Venomoth had the ability to learn Silver Wind this way, so I traded in the Heart Scale and added a bug type move back in to my repertoire.
Heading across the water, I bumped in to some trainers, but no Pokémon until the grasses on the other side. It was a low-leveled Meditite, and I sent out Electabuzz with the move Swift to weedle it down. That didn't work, Electabuzz got a direct hit with Swift and the poor thing didn't survive.
I moved on, and a nice fisherman gave me a good rod, just another way to find Pokémon, which is always good.
Of course, there's always the Homer Simpson method, but it's too violent
On Route 119, I encountered my first tall grass. I found a cute little Swinub and named him Wilbur, then I scoured the place for trainers and items. I found an Elixir, a couple Hyper Potions, and a lot of people hiding behind imitations of trees and rock cliffs. Eventually, I reached a blockade of two Team Aqua grunts that wouldn't let me cross the bridge next to the Weather Institute. Time to go inside and clean them out! The next twenty minutes looks like rain, lightning, and a solo tornado sweeping through arrogant blue-clad pests.
Trainer: Triton
Money: 92912
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 37 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 39 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 38 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 42 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 36 Ability: Hustle

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Note: Father's Day

Hello, Happy Father's Day! Or, it was, it's 12:30 in the morning now. Due to my schedule in the past 48 hours including work, spending time with family and friends, golf, and chores, I couldn't get enough time to finish my blog post. I'm about half way done, and I'll finish it today (Monday).
After that, the 2-day thing will continue, so the next post will be Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday if I get more time next weekend than I did this weekend.

Thanks for sticking with it, life gets in the way but I WILL CONTINUE, and at a brisk pace. Keep reading!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Entry #11: The Ocean!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 34 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 33 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 33 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 33 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 33 Ability: Hustle
(I'm going to start just posting my party because of the number of PC Pokémon. Is this okay? If you liked it the way it was, facebook me or comment here, asap if you can!)

There are five ocean routes between route 104 by Petalburg and Slateport, routes 105-109. Including the abandoned ship, that's 6 new partners. My team right now is pretty awesome, but that's always the case when you are lucky enough to start with a Horsea and a Charizard and keep them alive the whole way through.

In Route 105, I caught a female Plusle, which apparently had become the new Tentacool in the area, because I saw it everywhere and from level 6 to level 35.
WAIT, it's EVERYWHERE, ELECTRIC type, named PLUSle, and shows up at different AMOUNTS of experience. I named her Protona, because my Physics-major brain declared that it must be so!
You're the coolest guy ever!!

 I know right? :D

The Tentacool of route 106 was Nidoqueen, I caught her as well and named her Nidopatra. After scanning the whole area for items, I healed at Dewford Town and went on to route 107. There I met a level 30 male Meganium that hated Pokéballs more than any other I had tried to catch, including Wasp. On my fifteenth great ball, I caught Meganium and named him Taryl, which is also the name of a guy I work with and I just think it's on the list of names that are unique and really cool. Definitely a potential team member here.
Midway through route 107, Tsuntsun (Baltoy) evolved into Claydol! Its defenses almost doubled and its special attack made it much more formidable. It's the last Pokémon on my team that needed evolving, which is relieving. Now, I hope, the likelihood of a casualty is very minimal.
On another note, MY FIRST CLAYDOL.
This has been on my mind for a little bit, how would Baltoy adapt to such a weird head, what if its brain can't get used to so many eyes?


"Wait, no I can't"

"Oh, now I can! Huh? Did I rotate my head?"


"Wait.. ugh, NOW I CAN SEE BUT EVERYTHING IS IN A DIFFERENT PLACE AND I.... cant see again... help.."

Continuing on to route 108, my first encounter was with a wild Quilava (Johto starters for the win?). Even more potential than Meganium here, it was already at level 35, which means a Typhlosion as soon as it levels up. Woah..
"The Volcano Pokémon" is here, whenever you need to blow shit up.
I hesitated. If Hotspot (what I named Quilava) were to switch in, Charizard would be the best one to exchange because of their similar type, but Sandy was doing fine in battles, easy to level up and always there as a powerful backup. That said, I kept Hotspot in the PC.
Next, I went to the abandoned ship. Explorer mode activated, therefore, selfie:

Check out those pipes, awwwww yeah

I fought some intense double battles inside, I took down a Scyther-Onix combo and another Milotic. I found the storage key to a locked storage room and found TM 13 inside. It was supposed to be Ice Beam, but it was randomized to sweet kiss. Teeter dance is better, but it's good to have! Next, I went into the water with the dive spot and attempted to catch another companion. The game took a realistic turn then and I found myself battling a Clamperl. I named it Cluster and moved on to route 109 because I couldn't go further without the ability to dive. On route 109, I ran into Gardevoir, but it teleported away. No big deal, I don't need another psychic type, I've got these two!

 Although, having two psychic types that aren't morning Pokémon might make breakfast a little crazy.

 Off to the Weather Institute and Fortree City next!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 36 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 34 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 36 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 37 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 34 Ability: Hustle

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Entry #10 Pushing Ahead

Trainer: Triton
Money: 54852
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 30 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 30 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 30 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 30 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor

Some of you might wonder about my choice to take back Flafa instead of Wasp. I could write pages comparing and contrasting the two, talking about Venomoth's higher speed and defenses in sacrifice of Beedrill's very useful attack power. It would go into the natures of each, their movesets, and even how the colors of purple and yellow each effect my mood. At the end, I would exclaim THIS IS ALL INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT when all in all it would just be a long and deliberate lie to make me look intelligent.

It may also include a chapter on Google image comparisons.


The real answer is that I have never in my life of playing Pokémon had a Venomoth, and because Flafa was my third Pokémon, I feel a need to train it and measure how much trust I can have in supposedly a very underrated Bug/Poison Pokémon. Leaving Petalburg, I went to the Sandstorm area to start training her. Her defenses were great, but I still had to use the rest of my super potions because it took so long for her to knock out a Pokémon. I moved to the areas by Fallarbor Town to take away the Sandstorm damage and things got easier as she leveled up. Finally, she evolved into a beautiful Venomoth.

With equally beautiful stat boosts.
89 56 39 35 48 41 Venonat Lvl 31
95 62 45 66 60 69 Venomoth Lvl 31

Fun Fact: Before this game, I had never battled with Kingdra or Claydol either. That's part of the reason why Horsea was so appealing as a starter. (I have used Salamence in almost every Emerald run since I got the game)

Eventually, all six of my Pokémon reached level 33, and by that time my brain had successfully brought back all of my memories of being crushed by Norman's gym, again and again. The level jump from Flannery is huge, almost unfair, and his Slaking are annoying and incredibly strong. He has ruined Nuzlocke challenges for not only me, but many of my friends as well, with and without the randomizer. There is a monopoly in trainer-screwing here that must be stopped.

Hey, Polyphemus
"What's up, bro?"
I need you, want to get stronger?
"AWWWW YEAH! Wait, how much stronger?"
You'll see.

-20 minutes later-
Hey, Norman.
"Ah, I've see you beat all of my trainers, fantastic! Don't underestimate me tho-"
Cut the crap, I know your power, and I have something to say to you:
My name is Triton, and one of your trainers killed my Aerodactyl. Prepare to die.
"What the.. dude, I'm your father-"

Machamp's level: 40 Attack: 128
Norman's Pokémon: Vaporeon level 27
                                  Marill level 29
                                  Voltorb level 27
                                  Ponyta level 31
Norman's Casualties: 4
My Casualties: 0
Switch-outs: 0
Only attack used: Revenge

In memory of all those who suffered under Norman's Pokémon
Peace be with you.

That was a bit dramatic, but I hope you enjoyed the snippet of dialogue. I thoroughly enjoyed beating Norman and his cronies to a pulp, more so even than that time I took out Team Aqua's whole base with an overpowered Sceptile back in Ruby version.

"Challengers will be hit with Leaf Blade.
Survivors will be hit with Leaf Blade again."

Looool, good times. After leaving the gym in less than good condition, I went to Wally's uncle's house and the man gave me HM 03 Surf. I gave it to Kingdra, turning Water Gun into Tsunami Gun, and went to explore the water routes between Petalburg, Dewford, and Slateport to get companions and train before I head for the routes that lead to Fortree City. Before I left, I noticed the water in Petalburg and remembered that I hadn't yet claimed a Pokémon from this area. I took advantage of surf and caught a cute little female Phanpy and named it Ellie (Ice Age 2). To be continued.. in the ocean!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 34 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 33 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 33 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 33 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 33 Ability: Hustle
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability: Magma Armor
      Ellie (Phanpy) Level 20 Ability: Swarm

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Entry #9: Norman's gym

Trainer: Triton
Money: 48792
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 29 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 28 Ability: Wonder Guard
     Gigabuzz (Elekid) Level 21 Ability: Poison Point
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 29 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 29 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor   

I finished the rest of Mirage tower, grabbing the claw fossil (already had Cradily) just before it disintegrated into the sand. I then traveled in a deadly arc around the desert, watching as Elekid took most of them on with ease. He couldn't take on everything, we met level 20 Groudon in the sands and my other companions switched in to save him from Mud Shot. There were other battles with ground Pokémon and defensive tanks that were a lot safer when I switched in Polyphemus or King Pepé to destroy, which they had gotten pretty good at lately.

This is the "I'm 12 levels higher than all of you" face.

At the absolute southern point of the desert, I found TM 37, Teeter Dance. The move is a battle-wide confuse ray that may really help in Double Battles, so I taught it to Tsuntsun. His constant wobbling now has purpose!
Eventually, Gigabuzz reached level 30 and evolved into Electabuzz (2nd evolution!). His cool ability Poison Point went away, but the improved stats were good. When everyone else was level 30, I headed for Petalburg Gym.

Get ready, Dad, my Pokémon are BA

First up were the trainers, and I put Smaug up first. The first trainer I faced had a Metagross, that metal claw and that attack could really beat up an Aerodactyl. I had to switch out, but like his Salamence friend, Metagross also had the ability Shadow Tag.
Now in full strategy mode, I used the X Defense and X Attack in my backpack. Like I expected, Metagross started spamming Metal Claw, and I started spamming Super Potions, because Metal Claw still took a little over half of Smaug's HP. Soon after, Metagross won because its attack was raised every now and then, and eventually he took Smaug down to 2 HP with one hit.


My hopes went up for a little bit as he started using Confusion when I had only a little HP left, and that gave me more time to heal him, but that's it. Eventually, Metal Claw did its job. I said my goodbye with a heart ache and sent in fellow dragon Sandy to burn the metal bastard to death. It fought back well with an overpowered Take Down that almost took her out, but the self damage it did just made it easier.

After the battle, I went to bury him in my PC's RIP box. I took Flafa back and went to train a little more. Taking Smaug's death to heart, I pressed to make them all level 33 before I went back into the hell hole that was Petalburg Gym.

RIP #3, Smaug Level 14-30
Your death will not be in vain.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 54852
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 30 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 30 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 30 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 30 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor   

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Note: Posting schedule

I apologize for the increasing amount of time it takes for me to post because of work and stuff. From now on, though, I'm setting a schedule so that everyone knows when to come back and read. Tomorrow, I will post Entry #9 and entries afterwards will be made every other day. So, this week, I will have entries Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday. To be honest, I need a schedule as well to make sure I don't push it off.
Happy reading!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Entry #8: The Desert!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 47248
Badges: 3
Team: Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 26 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 25 Ability Wonder Guard
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 27 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 27 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 28 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability Insomnia

Because I had already passed over the ledge by Rustboro, I passed through the now open Rusturf Cave and traveled back to Mauville. Turning north, I soon got to the opening of Fiery Path and to the right was the cable car that would take me up into the chaos of Mt. Chimney. At the top, it appeared as if an all out war had started between Team Magma and Team Aqua. Single battles were everywhere, and Archie, Aqua's leader, was taking on 3 Magma Poochyenas at once with his own Poochyena. I took over and took out a Team Magma admin and the leader Maxie. After issuing more verbal threats, then declaring that his goal was reached anyway, Maxie left and both teams followed.

Afterwards, I grabbed the meteorite with intentions to return it to a researcher in Fallarbor town, then moved towards Jagged Pass, a road that takes you down Chimney to Lavaridge town. I found a bunch of moderately capable trainers that Smaug and Polyphemus took care of easily, then went into the grasses and caught a male Noctowl. His sprite reminded me of the delicious marshmallow ducks that always show up at Easter and henceforth he would be known as Peeps.


Let him roll it over in his head a little first, he will get used to it.

In Lavaridge Town, I picked up an egg from an old women near the hot springs. In normal Emerald, it would hatch as a Wynaut, but the randomizer took care of that as well. So I used it as an excuse to go to the Mauville area and run around. I realized that it was again time to face another gym, so I trained my Pokémon as well. Before long, the egg hatched into a cute little female Teddiursa, whom I named Tsuki for the crescent moon on her head. I imagined that she would be quite fond of the moon as she grew up because of her ability Insomnia.


I also took the chance to rename Pepé. He had come a long way since day one as you all know. I bestow the title "King Pepé" on thyself for thou's great deeds and accomplishments. Long live King Pepé!!

Stalling over, I finally took on Flannery's gym in Lavaridge. No notable trainers, but facing Flannery herself was a great match. I selected Wasp as my lead and Flannery sent out a Lunatone. Wasp used its Twin needle (Ultra Twin Drill Break Attack) to crack the Lunatone apart in two turns and went with full HP against her next Pokémon, Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime's defenses were a different matter than Lunatone's, and a good hit from a Psybeam took Wasp down to low yellow HP, so I sent in Smaug, who could wonder guard away all of the psychic attacks. Flannery pulled an uncommon move then and switched in her third Pokémon, another Milotic.

Another freaking Milotic

Or is it the same one?

Wallace be trollin'

It could kill Smaug with Water Pulse, as well as most of my other Pokémon. I sent in King Pepé for the double resistance against water and slowly but surely brought Milotic to the ground with solarbeam (twice, she had a super potion). She sent her last Pokémon, Spheal out next. Polyphemus took care of it with Karate Chop and Smaug took down what was left of Mr. Mime.

FOURTH GYM BADGE, check. The TM 50 that I also received contained the move Blaze Kick, which Sandy could learn, but again I kept it because Sandy's moves were taken care of and her special attack was much better than her attack (timid nature). Coming out of the building, I met up with May and received the Go-goggles that would allow me into the sandstorm on Route 111. The randomizer had been fun so far. I wonder what beasts lay in wait for me this time?


My first encounter was absolutely terrifying, a beast of magic that had powers of terrible destruction. The ground quaked, mountains collapsed, and small children in faraway lands cried in their sleep as they sensed the enraged Polyphemus wrecking havoc on the land, trying to see through confuse ray and double team and land a Low Kick on the ferocious Volbeat that had crossed our path. Finally, I caught the sly devil and named him Gaba, sending him to the PC in case I would have need of such annoyingly useful powers in the future.

Next was Mirage Tower, a sandy sentinel poking up through the sandstorm. Inside, I discovered an Elekid with a deadly Thunder punch. I successfully caught my first electric type and switched "Gigabuzz" in my party with Wasp to train him into a powerful Electabuzz. I want to figure out whether I would prefer to keep him or switch him back with Wasp, whose powerful attacks were unfortunately paired with lowering defenses. Gigabuzz will be strong, if the training is successful, at least.

Jolly nature, and who wouldn't be when you can send thousands of volts through everything you touch?

Happiness is ELECTRIC, as well as contagious :)

Trainer: Triton
Money: 48792
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 29 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 28 Ability: Wonder Guard
     Gigabuzz (Elekid) Level 21 Ability: Poison Point
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 29 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 29 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof 
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor