Thursday, June 20, 2013

Entry #13 Raining Aqua Grunts

Trainer: Triton
Money: 92912
Badges: 5
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 37 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 39 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 38 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 42 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 36 Ability: Hustle
All of my training for Norman's gym has been paying off. The six Team Aqua members, including the Admin, were hardly a match even with tough Pokémon. Sandy and Flafa each took half, with Flafa taking the last three and knocking out Admin Shelly's Sceptile with one Silver Wind. The goons bolted afterwards for Mt. Pyre, where Team Magma was reported to be heading.

Meteor Falls, Mt. Chimney, and now Mt. Pyre?
Mountains must be attractive for rival battling because of the atmosphere. There is a feeling of solitude that keeps focus on the battle, the air is fresh and chilly, and your mom probably has no idea where you are.

The head researcher there gave me a Pokémon for my help. Normally, it would be Castform, but instead I got a level 25 male Slowking with the ability Own Tempo, which prevents confusion. His psychic intelligence, replacement of Castform, and water type all converged and I thought of the movie Rain Man (Great movie, watch it!).

"All I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base."
-Zubat used Confuse Ray!-
"What's the guy's name on first base?
No, what's the guy's name on second base."
-Slowking's Own Tempo Prevents confusion!-  
"Have you got a first baseman on first? Yeah."
-Slowking used Psychic!- 
"Then who's playing first? Yeah."
-Zubat was forced to solve the problem!- 
"You know the fella's name? Yeah."
-It's super effective!- 
"Then who's playing first? Yeah." 

-Zubat fainted-

I found out about his ability later, but it made sense. Autism just means that they think at their own pace in their own way, and if an Own Tempo Slowking doesn't symbolize that as well as I think it does, it's okay because Rainman is an epic nickname.

Leaving the institute, I went across the bridge and started climbing stairs to the jungle of Fortree when my rival came up from behind on a bike to challenge me to a battle. My first Pokémon out was Flafa (Venomoth) and she took down her Hitmonchan, her Kakuna, and her SECOND Kakuna without more than a little damage from Hitmonchan's Fire Punch. She praised me for my amazing trainer skills and gave me HM 02 Fly. Sandy was the only one who could learn it, but she just got wing attack and I didn't have an immediate need to fly, so I held on to it.


Four trainers and psybeam frenzies (from Venomoth) later, I arrived at Fortree City. After healing, I talked around and got TM 10 Toxic from an old woman. Besides that, there was no more free stuff, and the city's gym was being blocked by some invisible Pokémon (no longer Kecleon due to the randomizer), so I left for Route 120. In the long grasses, I ran into what would be my second male Elekid! Caught it, named it Teslabuzz, and sent it back to the PC. I pushed ahead until I ran into Steven, who gave me the Devon Scope, the tool that reveals invisible Pokémon. He had me battle an invisible Doduo that fell quickly to Electabuzz's thunderpunch. Then I went back to route 119 and found an invisible Zangoose, which I also defeated and got the hyper potion she was blocking. Last was the one in Fortree blocking the gym and maybe my next companion. What could it be?

I never found out, apparently this one runs from you instead of battling.... sad face. I kept my chin high even so, because it was time for another gym! Winona's trainers were better than most I've faced in the past. There were many double battles and a lot of defensively-typed Pokémon including Nidorina and Hypno, all around level 30, but overall no problem for my now at least level 38 Pokémon. Eventually, I solved the puzzle of the spinning bars and reached Winona.

Winona had 5 Pokémon. First up was Kingdra! I switched in King Pepé and we had an epic Twister battle. Being 9 levels higher, King Pepé won magnificently.

Fortree is now Forstump


Next out was Umbreon (I really like her team so far), and I sent in Venomoth. Silver Wind took it out and she sent out Phanpy. King Pepé surfed Phanpy away, Machamp karate chopped Castform, and Charizard knocked out Meditite with Wing Attack. Battle done, I accepted my sixth badge and TM 40, which would normally contain Ariel Ace. This time, it taught Eruption.
Holy crap, please please please please please.... YES!!!

Timid by nature, yes... but a force to be reckoned with.
My Charizard learned it. As useful as flamethrower is, eruption is a mega power boost as long as Charizard stays in good health. The move's power decreases with health, but Charizard's naturally high speed will get at least one good shot in. One will definitely be enough with 225 (STAB) power and Charizard's exceptional special attack.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 78672
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 39 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 40 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 43 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 38 Ability: Hustle

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