Friday, June 21, 2013

Entry #14 SAFARIII

Trainer: Triton
Money: 78672
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 39 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 40 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 43 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 38 Ability: Hustle
I'm going to start linking moves now, since I mention them so many times.

With my 6th gym badge and now super-powered Charizard, I left to get through the rest of Route 120. Since I had already caught an Elekid, my focus was on battling trainers and finding items. There came a special spot where I ran into two consecutive trainers with Wobbuffet, which are notorious for taking out Pokémon with Counter, Mirror Coat, and especially Destiny Bond. I have a history with them that's similar to my history with Norman's gym or even worse, it's that bad.
So, like with Norman's gym, I worked to find an answer to this problem. Luckily, it came to me while I was battling these two trainers - Venomoth is incredibly well equipped to take Wobbuffet out. A powerful Bug, Dark, or Ghost type move, high speed, and an ability to cause damage without attacking is what's required. Venomoth has that high speed and the moves Supersonic and Silver Wind! It was simple for me to confuse them and chip at their HP, then finish them off with Silver Wind whenever Wobbuffet hadn't used Destiny Bond during the turn before. Wobbuffet is a problem no more!
This is unfair.

Deal with it.
Thank you for the EXP, good day sir

I reached route 121 safely and continued to battle my way towards Lilycove. I was approaching the Safari Zone when a huge Wailord jumped out of the grass.
After I caught her, I understood why she might've been happy to see me, because her ability was Suction Cups. In other words, beached and no way to get back to the ocean. I named her Palluka because she was big palooka and I ventured a poor guess on how to spell palooka. She was also holding TM 12 Spikes, which might explain another reason why she couldn't move... No graphic for this one, I'll save you the horror.

I then reached the Safari Zone, but I couldn't enter without a Pokéblock case. I moved on, fighting six trainers or so before I reached Lilycove City. The man at the Safari Zone told me that I could get a Pokéblock case at the Lilycove contest hall, so I went over and got one. I needed some Pokéblocks too to keep Pokémon from running away, so I played around with the blending machines and got 20 or so Pokéblocks. I'm prepping a lot for this because I treat the Safari Zone differently than a normal route. There are four areas (six actually, but two are closed until after the elite four), so instead of just one "Safari Zone" Pokémon, I will get one for each area, so four chances. This is because it's a lot harder to catch Pokémon in the Safari Zone. They can run away depending on how you approach them. Pokéblocks keep them from running as long as they like the Pokéblock whereas getting closer will increase the chance that they run, but it also makes them easier to catch.... Blah, this is a lot of info, so here's a TLDR: Safari Zone, four areas, therefore four chances, Pokémon harder to catch, let's go!
(Typing this as I go)
Area 1: Cloyster (SWEET)
Gave a pokéblock, then crept closer. Still there to catch! Pokéball #1: 3 wiggles, but no dice. Pokéball #2.. IT'S IN!!
Named her Crystal

Area 2: Lotad
Gave a pokéblock, crept closer twice and threw Pokéball #1. Wiggled three times but not in. Pokéball 2: 1 wiggle. Pokéball 3: 1 wiggle. It ran away...

Area 3: Butterfree!
Gave a pokéblock, crept closer, still there! Pokéball #1: Caught!!
Named him Umbra
Also found TM 22 Moonlight (before I caught Umbra, to explain the moon-based nickname)

Area 4: Corsola
The mooch took my Pokéblock and ran...

Two for four!
Ability: Water Veil
Ability: Cacophony

And the two I wanted most as well. Welcome to the team!

I went back to Lilycove then and started exploring the city. A guy on the edge of town gave me TM 44 Curse (Would be Rest in normal games). I also found a Max Repel by the lighthouse and a few hidden items on the beach, then I went to the water to get another Pokémon (the beach is still in Lilycove!). After failing at the fishing rod a dozen times because my game was going at emulator speed (way too fast for precision), I went surfing and found a female Masquerain. This is like.. my fifth flying bug, after Venomoth, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Volbeat.

Bugs seem to like me, just imagine what I could do with this power!

My enemies should cower in fear


I caught her and named her Queen in case I do indeed need a bug type after Flafa. Really Beedrill or Butterfree could do as well, but I never had a Masquerain on my team before, another possible under-rated Bug type! Back at Lilycove's center, I met May in front of the department store. She wanted another battle of course, so out went Electabuzz!
HEHEHE, let's see what you got!

Her first Pokémon was Ditto, and Thunderpunch knocked it into red before it could transform, and Swift took care of the rest.
Next out was Magikarp... you can probably guess how that went.
Mr. Mime came after, and I sent in Venomoth. Silver Wind knocked it out right away and Psybeam did the same to Kakuna.
Yeah... my rival battles are hilariously easy. xD

I went into the department store afterwards and looked around for new random TMs to try. In numerical order, I got TM 14 Swagger, TM 15 Sandstorm, TM 16 Mega Punch, TM 17 Icy Wind, TM 20 Selfdestruct (NONONO), TM 25 Bubblebeam, TM 33 Rapid Spin, and TM 38 Stomp. So... nothing good! That's OKAY, I think my luck with TMs has been incredibly good already with Covet, Teeter Dance, Milk Drink (lol), and Eruption (RAWR). Still.. maybe Dragon Claw for Kingdra instead of Twister? Oh well. I hoped to find solace on the roof where a Move Tutor normally taught Substitute, but he only taught Horn Attack. Okay...
Ugh, I will take out some anger in the next issue, when I meet Team Aqua and Team Magma on Mt. Pyre. Time to add a few more gravestones?

Trainer: Triton
Money: 70744
Badges: 6
Pokémon Team:
     King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 42 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 42 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 40 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 40 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 44 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 40 Ability: Hustle

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