Sunday, June 2, 2013

Entry #6 Wattson

Trainer: Triton
Money: 20368
Badges: 2
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 25 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 23 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 23 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 24 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 24 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 24 Ability: Magma Armor

Perhaps I set up fate to do this with my earlier reference, but Wattson was a badass. First he sends out a level 20 Milotic. Water Pulse took a good chunk of HP and confused Polyphemus on the first turn. Polyphemus was able to champ it out and Karate Chop it down to red HP, then Wattson used a super potion. I used a soda pop in turn, and a critical hit Karate Chop got Milotic down in red again so that I could finish it off with Seismic Toss. Exeggcute came out next and intensified the sunlight with its ability Drought, so it was easy for Sandy to ember it to ashes. The advantage went back to him when he switched in Magby and I put in Baltoy (Rock Tomb muahahaha). Magby's fire punch did serious damage, taking out more than half of Baltoy's HP, so I switched in Horsea, and the same thing happened.


Wait, I think I've seen this somewhere before.

Oh right!
On the defensive now, I sent in Charizard. Fire Punch only took a fourth of her HP, so I was able to knock it out with ember and scratch after only one Soda Pop (I switched it in with 2/3 HP). Last was Nidorino, and I sent in Baltoy and healed it (Soda Pop saved my life T-T). It took three psybeams, and Horn Attack almost did Baltoy in, but it survived. THIRD BADGE WOOT

The TM I got contained Signal Beam, but no one could learn it yet, so I went off to Verdanturf with Rock Smash to make Rusturf Cave go two ways, then the couple who were separated will be together again. The man from the couple gave me HM 4 Strength for my help! I used it to replace Sandy's move Scratch that was losing effectiveness fast. After that, I headed north of Mauville to Routes 111 and 112.

25 minutes later, I'm in Fallarbor Town with a few more companions. All of the Pokémon on Route 111 are in the Sandstorm area, but in Route 112, the first one to poke its head out was a female Krabby. I named it Rala and moved on to Fiery Path, the cave on Route 112.
What happened in Fiery Path might be considered a "turning point" in my adventure. For the first time, I had the option of catching a Pokémon with the ability Wonder Guard. It was a male Aeroodactyl and tough as hell to catch. I DID catch it though, and named it Smaug for the invincible Drake that guards the gold of Erebor in The Hobbit.

This is for the comments, should I use it? Aerodactyl has amazing stats and a great range of attacks. Its weaknesses are Water, Ice, Electric, Rock, and Steel, which is a lot, but I think it might be very overpowered. Your opinions will be appreciated!

Nothing much happened after that. The Rest House in the northern part of Route 111 gave me respite and I took down most of the trainers with ease, all the way to Fallarbor Town. I saved some trainers in case I needed more training, and also caught a Male Cascoon in the dusty grass on Route 113. Next I'll be exploring Meteor Falls and Mt. Chimney!

Remember to comment, or facebook me, etc., Aerodactyl or not and why?
Thank you for your contribution! I'll edit when I decide.

EDIT: The unanimous decision is that everything I catch is fair and square, and like I mentioned before (Introduction?), all of my Pokémon are indeed special.
I'll use Smaug in place of Flafa.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 28462
Badges: 3
Team:  Pepé (Horsea) Level 28 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 26 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 14 Ability Wonder Guard
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 27 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 27 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 27 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability Color Change


  1. You caught it fair and square, so I think it's totally fine if you want to add Smaug to your party. I mean gingersnap had a latios and rayquaza he caught fair and square. So you should be fine :)

  2. In Nuzlocke you take what you can get, cause even if you're careful you never know what'll happen. It will be a great pokemon, and if you want to challenge yourself I can see why you might want to avoid it, but it's up to you! I would totally use it if I were you.

  3. I see your reasoning. I've been thinking about it too and I reasoned that Nuzlocke is for fun, and training a wonder guard Aero would definitely be fun. I'll do it!

  4. Every Pokemon you catch is special!! Keep it and have fun! :)
