Saturday, June 8, 2013

Entry #8: The Desert!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 47248
Badges: 3
Team: Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 26 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 25 Ability Wonder Guard
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 27 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 27 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 28 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability Insomnia

Because I had already passed over the ledge by Rustboro, I passed through the now open Rusturf Cave and traveled back to Mauville. Turning north, I soon got to the opening of Fiery Path and to the right was the cable car that would take me up into the chaos of Mt. Chimney. At the top, it appeared as if an all out war had started between Team Magma and Team Aqua. Single battles were everywhere, and Archie, Aqua's leader, was taking on 3 Magma Poochyenas at once with his own Poochyena. I took over and took out a Team Magma admin and the leader Maxie. After issuing more verbal threats, then declaring that his goal was reached anyway, Maxie left and both teams followed.

Afterwards, I grabbed the meteorite with intentions to return it to a researcher in Fallarbor town, then moved towards Jagged Pass, a road that takes you down Chimney to Lavaridge town. I found a bunch of moderately capable trainers that Smaug and Polyphemus took care of easily, then went into the grasses and caught a male Noctowl. His sprite reminded me of the delicious marshmallow ducks that always show up at Easter and henceforth he would be known as Peeps.


Let him roll it over in his head a little first, he will get used to it.

In Lavaridge Town, I picked up an egg from an old women near the hot springs. In normal Emerald, it would hatch as a Wynaut, but the randomizer took care of that as well. So I used it as an excuse to go to the Mauville area and run around. I realized that it was again time to face another gym, so I trained my Pokémon as well. Before long, the egg hatched into a cute little female Teddiursa, whom I named Tsuki for the crescent moon on her head. I imagined that she would be quite fond of the moon as she grew up because of her ability Insomnia.


I also took the chance to rename Pepé. He had come a long way since day one as you all know. I bestow the title "King Pepé" on thyself for thou's great deeds and accomplishments. Long live King Pepé!!

Stalling over, I finally took on Flannery's gym in Lavaridge. No notable trainers, but facing Flannery herself was a great match. I selected Wasp as my lead and Flannery sent out a Lunatone. Wasp used its Twin needle (Ultra Twin Drill Break Attack) to crack the Lunatone apart in two turns and went with full HP against her next Pokémon, Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime's defenses were a different matter than Lunatone's, and a good hit from a Psybeam took Wasp down to low yellow HP, so I sent in Smaug, who could wonder guard away all of the psychic attacks. Flannery pulled an uncommon move then and switched in her third Pokémon, another Milotic.

Another freaking Milotic

Or is it the same one?

Wallace be trollin'

It could kill Smaug with Water Pulse, as well as most of my other Pokémon. I sent in King Pepé for the double resistance against water and slowly but surely brought Milotic to the ground with solarbeam (twice, she had a super potion). She sent her last Pokémon, Spheal out next. Polyphemus took care of it with Karate Chop and Smaug took down what was left of Mr. Mime.

FOURTH GYM BADGE, check. The TM 50 that I also received contained the move Blaze Kick, which Sandy could learn, but again I kept it because Sandy's moves were taken care of and her special attack was much better than her attack (timid nature). Coming out of the building, I met up with May and received the Go-goggles that would allow me into the sandstorm on Route 111. The randomizer had been fun so far. I wonder what beasts lay in wait for me this time?


My first encounter was absolutely terrifying, a beast of magic that had powers of terrible destruction. The ground quaked, mountains collapsed, and small children in faraway lands cried in their sleep as they sensed the enraged Polyphemus wrecking havoc on the land, trying to see through confuse ray and double team and land a Low Kick on the ferocious Volbeat that had crossed our path. Finally, I caught the sly devil and named him Gaba, sending him to the PC in case I would have need of such annoyingly useful powers in the future.

Next was Mirage Tower, a sandy sentinel poking up through the sandstorm. Inside, I discovered an Elekid with a deadly Thunder punch. I successfully caught my first electric type and switched "Gigabuzz" in my party with Wasp to train him into a powerful Electabuzz. I want to figure out whether I would prefer to keep him or switch him back with Wasp, whose powerful attacks were unfortunately paired with lowering defenses. Gigabuzz will be strong, if the training is successful, at least.

Jolly nature, and who wouldn't be when you can send thousands of volts through everything you touch?

Happiness is ELECTRIC, as well as contagious :)

Trainer: Triton
Money: 48792
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 29 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 28 Ability: Wonder Guard
     Gigabuzz (Elekid) Level 21 Ability: Poison Point
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 29 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 29 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof 
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor 


  1. You should update the list of pokemon at the end of the post because you renamed "pepe"
