Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Entry #7: To Kingdra

Trainer: Triton
Money: 28462
Badges: 3
Team:  Pepé (Horsea) Level 28 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 26 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 14 Ability Wonder Guard
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 27 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 27 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 27 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability Color Change

After training Smaug for a few minutes, he had reached the low 20s, and I set out to route 114. The first man I met gave me TM 05, which should be Roar, but it was Covet. I could sense Pepé's and my excitement as we reached the same conclusion. Covet is an attack move that has a 100% chance of taking your opponents held item if it has one unless you are holding an item already. If I could get a Pokémon to learn it, my chances of finding a Dragon Scale to evolve Pepé would be immensely better than before!

Smaug and Sandy were both able, but Smaug had more room for new moves, so I gave it to him. I gave him TM 43 Softboiled (Usually Secret Power) as well, and went back to the route before Fallarbor Town to hunt around. I got burn heals, full restores, and even a Soul Dew, but no dice.

                            No Dragon Scales either

So I moved on. Route 114 and Meteor Falls is a long run, so I double checked my status healers and potions (Seeing two Full Restores made me happy), healed my Pokémon again, made sure I had enough pokéballs for two potentially new members, and set out. There were four or five trainers between me and the first grass patch, but I eventually made it. My first opponent.. a Cradily! Great defenses and a good tank for any team. Smaug was first out and because of habit from my earlier hunt for held items, I used Covet. Cradily took a critical hit, then gave me a Dragon Scale.

I know, I know, it didn't matter whether I had covet or not. Fate wants me a Kingdra! Overjoyed, I caught the Cradily and named it Kaikei (Japanese for "treasurer." Appropriate, I think). At this point, my Horsea was at level 29. It evolves at level 32, and in excitement I put it in my first party slot.
I continued battling my way to Meteor Falls, I defeated a trainer with a very dangerous Destiny Bond-happy Wobuffett as well as a hiker named Pansy who fell quickly to Pepé's Twister and Water Gun.
In Meteor Falls, I caught a male Marill, who looked like a very fat mouse to me after watching this hilarious video earlier. I named him Jerry because of my nostalgia for the cartoon Tom and Jerry that I miss so much. Then I found Team Aqua and Team Magma arguing and watched them chase each other out of the cave.

And who chased after ship parts, stole a Wingull from an old man, and raided an oceanic museum?

I hardly gave a Rattata's butt, though, because my Horsea was at level 31! I left Meteor Falls and found myself above Rustboro. There were trainers hanging around, so I went to work. Four trainers and a wild pokémon or two later, and it happened.
Level 32, Pepé evolved into Seadra, my first evolution.
In order to evolve it into Kingdra, I have to level it up while it holds the Dragon Scale. I kind of feel bad for Pepé, though, what if he liked being a Seadra, is there a moral code for something like this? I don't want to hurt his feel-

Hey, what's the hold up? Get on with it!

BWAH OKAY! I went through a bunch of wild Pokémon and it leveled up. Then...
I kind of just sat there and looked at it for a few seconds, to let the reality sink in. My starter has been through a lot; gym badges, dead comrades, and plenty of close calls. The little guy is all biggish now, and a lot stronger too [stats just skyrocketed]. I'm looking forward to having him along the way as I take this challenge all the way to the elite four, or die trying. Here's to a new chapter in our adventure! OFF TO MOUNT CHIMNEY.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 47248
Badges: 3
Team: Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 26 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 25 Ability Wonder Guard
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 27 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 27 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 28 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability Insomnia
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor 

1 comment:

  1. THAT'S SUPER AWESOME!! Congrats! I wish I could have kept my starter in the nuzlocke challenge. May your luck keep up!
