Monday, June 17, 2013

Entry #12 Side-tracked

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 36 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 34 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 36 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 37 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 34 Ability: Hustle

On my way through Mauville City to cross to the East side of the Hoenn Region, I ran into Wattson, who seemed to be looking for something. That something was a Pokémon trainer, and that Pokémon trainer was Triton, and that Triton is me, so I helped him out.
The repetition train stops there, I'm afraid. Continuing with "and me is/was" will only get THEM after me.

Yeah, yeah..

Wattson wanted me to go to New Mauville, a power plant off to the side of route 110, and turn the generator off. Otherwise, it might blow up and everything within a large radius would vanish, including Rydel's Cycles whose very generous sponsorship I had yet to repay. Better late than never!
New Mauville was confusing; doors, switches, and savage pokéballs that released rabid Persian, but I caught a level 23 Magneton! I finally found the generator room and jumped on the off-switch. Picking up the thunderstone that was nearby, I navigated through the switches again and came out to the fresh air. When I met back up with Wattson, he gave me TM 24, and instead of Thunderbolt, it was Milk Drink. Like Softboiled, it heals HP, so I let Electabuzz learn it.



 Uh, Gigabuzz?

Right, a milk bottle

Because most battles don't reveal a Pokémon's ability, I always have to wait for the end of a route or cave to be able to go to the PC and see what it is. It's something I looked forward to because of all the weird ability-Pokémon combos would show up in the PC lists for you all to see. I don't do that anymore because my PC lists got too lengthy, but I wish to share the surprise I got when I came back and found that the Magneton in this game have the ability Pick-Up.

Yeah, these magnets finally WORK

It's following us 


Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap

The first big thing that came to my mind was the randomizer: were the found items randomized as well? So I put Tron (Magneton's nickname) in for Electabuzz and trained it for a long time. At level 30 (seven levels later), it had found two repels, two super potions, an ultra ball, a full heal, a revive, and more things that are consistent with the normal finds. With Covet, Aerodactyl's move, gone, this was a blow, but a fair one at that. I will push on without the added amusement of more random items, at least for now!
One last side-trip to take was to the Move Tutor in Fallarbor Town. Venomoth had the ability to learn Silver Wind this way, so I traded in the Heart Scale and added a bug type move back in to my repertoire.
Heading across the water, I bumped in to some trainers, but no Pokémon until the grasses on the other side. It was a low-leveled Meditite, and I sent out Electabuzz with the move Swift to weedle it down. That didn't work, Electabuzz got a direct hit with Swift and the poor thing didn't survive.
I moved on, and a nice fisherman gave me a good rod, just another way to find Pokémon, which is always good.
Of course, there's always the Homer Simpson method, but it's too violent
On Route 119, I encountered my first tall grass. I found a cute little Swinub and named him Wilbur, then I scoured the place for trainers and items. I found an Elixir, a couple Hyper Potions, and a lot of people hiding behind imitations of trees and rock cliffs. Eventually, I reached a blockade of two Team Aqua grunts that wouldn't let me cross the bridge next to the Weather Institute. Time to go inside and clean them out! The next twenty minutes looks like rain, lightning, and a solo tornado sweeping through arrogant blue-clad pests.
Trainer: Triton
Money: 92912
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 37 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 39 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 38 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 38 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 42 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 36 Ability: Hustle

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