Sunday, June 2, 2013

Entry #5 D-Day

Trainer: Triton
Money: 11838
Badges: 2
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 18 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 19 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 17 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 15 Ability: Arena Trap
     Spud (Carvanha) Level 16 Ability: Cute Charm
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 19 Ability: Magma Armor

Mr. Briney slowly sneaked me to shore in his boat. There were trainers everywhere, poised behind lawn chairs and under umbrellas, ready for ambush. It took a sharp eye, but eventually I pin pointed all of them and planned my route. First one trainer at a time, than two, I got confident as Wasp and Spud took out their Pokémon with ease. Soon I reached a cabin that I could only suspect was their storehouse. The 3 trainers inside were tougher than those on the beach, but I exposed all of my team to take them out.
The toughest among them had a Murkrow with Wonder Guard. With no Electric, Rock, or Ice attacks, I was forced to resort to using confusion. Using Sandy's Leer and Smokescreen, I reduced its defense to the lowest level and hindered its accuracy so that it couldn't use Peck and kill Flafa, who was the only team member that could use Supersonic. Luckily, my plan worked, it killed itself in confusion in one turn.
Note to self: Need more type variability..
Thus, my Pokémon survived the trials of Slateport beach, my reward being the storehouse's supply of soda pop!
60 HP of Nutrients :D
After I healed, I went looking for Mr. Stern so that I could deliver the Devon Goods.  I checked the building called "Stern's Shipyard," hoping for some kind of lead.  The man I met there said Stern was absent, and I went next to the Oceanic Museum. The place was swarming with Team Aqua members, but they had enough interest in the artifacts on the first floor that I could beat them up to the second floor, where I found Captain Stern alone. I delivered the goods, but turned around to see two grunts right behind me. After Polyphemus promptly handed their rear ends to them, I got a verbal threat from their leader and watched with amusement as they fled the building.

Perhaps I could add a "Team Aqua" exhibit to your oceanic museum?

My task finished, I explored Slateport a little more. A nice lady in the Poké contest building gave me TM 41, Torment that was now...  BLAST BURN YAH. Spud could learn it, but his special attack had need for improvement, so I saved it. Also, I found a man in the Pokémon Fan Club who taught Solarbeam, and all 6 of my Pokémon could learn it. Because Pepé's only attack at level 20 is Bubble, it had started to struggle even with weaker Pokémon, so this move was a fantastic addition!

Moving north from Slateport, I went through the grasses and found a Tyrogue. Unfortunately, a critical hit killed the poor thing, so I went on to battle all of the nearby trainers. Like Slateport beach, the trainers fell quickly to Spud and Wasp, who were somehow still lower leveled than my other Pokémon. I got confident enough to branch off from the direct route and take Route 103 to the pond near Odale town.
Then tragedy.
I suddenly found myself in a double battle with a Salamence and a Squirtle. The Squirtle was easy, but while it was alive he and Salamence kept using Leer. My Carvanha's horrible defense was exposed, and I attempted to switch but Salamence had the ability Shadow Tag. I watched in horror as the monster KO'd Carvanha with Headbutt... In a rage, I had Sandy and Wasp give it a horrible death.

I avenged you as best I could.. rest in peace, Spud.

RIP #2 - Spud - Carvanha Lvl 6-18

I continued to battle through the path under the biking bridge towards Mauville City. On the way, I defeated my rival May and her Kakuna, got the itemfinder, and trained up my Pokémon a bunch of levels. It was huge for the team when Wasp reached level 20 and learned Twineedle, our first bug type move! My Pokémon, especially Pepé and Wasp with their new moves, were getting very strong.

Twin "needle" might need rephrasing for a Beedrill.

Now in Mauville city, I healed and went out to find another companion on route 117.  I successfully caught a Bold level 13 Baltoy and watched with new found pride as it psybeamed and rock tombed its way up the levels - strong, good typing, and a powerful move set! I named it "Tsuntsun" (Tsoontsoon).
Not exactly Spud, but it fits in perfectly :)

To help in training, I got a bike from Rydel and steamrolled the trainers biking on the bridge, then went back to Mauville to do the same to the gym. It had been an hour or so ago when I first came into Mauville and saw Wally and his father in front of Mauville, but I stayed out of the way. When I came back, Wally was still arguing that he was ready to take on the gym and that his dad should let him go.
I would AGREE with him... but he didn't have his wonder guard Ralts anymore, so I sighed and took him on in battle, only to find that his replacement was a level 14 TYRANITAR. Machamp took care of it no problem, thank goodness, but any other Pokémon, including mine and those inside the gym, might have been in serious trouble.
The game took its course, though, and Wally went home to Verdanturf Town. I watched them go, then turned toward the gym doors. Time to nail another badge, let's do this!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 20368
Badges: 2
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 25 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 23 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 23 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 24 Ability: Arena Trap
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 24 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 24 Ability: Magma Armor

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