Friday, June 14, 2013

Entry #11: The Ocean!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 34 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 33 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 33 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 33 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 33 Ability: Hustle
(I'm going to start just posting my party because of the number of PC Pokémon. Is this okay? If you liked it the way it was, facebook me or comment here, asap if you can!)

There are five ocean routes between route 104 by Petalburg and Slateport, routes 105-109. Including the abandoned ship, that's 6 new partners. My team right now is pretty awesome, but that's always the case when you are lucky enough to start with a Horsea and a Charizard and keep them alive the whole way through.

In Route 105, I caught a female Plusle, which apparently had become the new Tentacool in the area, because I saw it everywhere and from level 6 to level 35.
WAIT, it's EVERYWHERE, ELECTRIC type, named PLUSle, and shows up at different AMOUNTS of experience. I named her Protona, because my Physics-major brain declared that it must be so!
You're the coolest guy ever!!

 I know right? :D

The Tentacool of route 106 was Nidoqueen, I caught her as well and named her Nidopatra. After scanning the whole area for items, I healed at Dewford Town and went on to route 107. There I met a level 30 male Meganium that hated Pokéballs more than any other I had tried to catch, including Wasp. On my fifteenth great ball, I caught Meganium and named him Taryl, which is also the name of a guy I work with and I just think it's on the list of names that are unique and really cool. Definitely a potential team member here.
Midway through route 107, Tsuntsun (Baltoy) evolved into Claydol! Its defenses almost doubled and its special attack made it much more formidable. It's the last Pokémon on my team that needed evolving, which is relieving. Now, I hope, the likelihood of a casualty is very minimal.
On another note, MY FIRST CLAYDOL.
This has been on my mind for a little bit, how would Baltoy adapt to such a weird head, what if its brain can't get used to so many eyes?


"Wait, no I can't"

"Oh, now I can! Huh? Did I rotate my head?"


"Wait.. ugh, NOW I CAN SEE BUT EVERYTHING IS IN A DIFFERENT PLACE AND I.... cant see again... help.."

Continuing on to route 108, my first encounter was with a wild Quilava (Johto starters for the win?). Even more potential than Meganium here, it was already at level 35, which means a Typhlosion as soon as it levels up. Woah..
"The Volcano Pokémon" is here, whenever you need to blow shit up.
I hesitated. If Hotspot (what I named Quilava) were to switch in, Charizard would be the best one to exchange because of their similar type, but Sandy was doing fine in battles, easy to level up and always there as a powerful backup. That said, I kept Hotspot in the PC.
Next, I went to the abandoned ship. Explorer mode activated, therefore, selfie:

Check out those pipes, awwwww yeah

I fought some intense double battles inside, I took down a Scyther-Onix combo and another Milotic. I found the storage key to a locked storage room and found TM 13 inside. It was supposed to be Ice Beam, but it was randomized to sweet kiss. Teeter dance is better, but it's good to have! Next, I went into the water with the dive spot and attempted to catch another companion. The game took a realistic turn then and I found myself battling a Clamperl. I named it Cluster and moved on to route 109 because I couldn't go further without the ability to dive. On route 109, I ran into Gardevoir, but it teleported away. No big deal, I don't need another psychic type, I've got these two!

 Although, having two psychic types that aren't morning Pokémon might make breakfast a little crazy.

 Off to the Weather Institute and Fortree City next!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 42640
Badges: 5
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 36 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 34 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 36 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Claydol) Level 37 Ability: Torrent
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 41 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venomoth) Level 34 Ability: Hustle

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