Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Entry #9: Norman's gym

Trainer: Triton
Money: 48792
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 29 Ability: Shell Armor
     Smaug (Aerodactyl) Level 28 Ability: Wonder Guard
     Gigabuzz (Elekid) Level 21 Ability: Poison Point
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 29 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 29 Ability: Magma Armor
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor   

I finished the rest of Mirage tower, grabbing the claw fossil (already had Cradily) just before it disintegrated into the sand. I then traveled in a deadly arc around the desert, watching as Elekid took most of them on with ease. He couldn't take on everything, we met level 20 Groudon in the sands and my other companions switched in to save him from Mud Shot. There were other battles with ground Pokémon and defensive tanks that were a lot safer when I switched in Polyphemus or King Pepé to destroy, which they had gotten pretty good at lately.

This is the "I'm 12 levels higher than all of you" face.

At the absolute southern point of the desert, I found TM 37, Teeter Dance. The move is a battle-wide confuse ray that may really help in Double Battles, so I taught it to Tsuntsun. His constant wobbling now has purpose!
Eventually, Gigabuzz reached level 30 and evolved into Electabuzz (2nd evolution!). His cool ability Poison Point went away, but the improved stats were good. When everyone else was level 30, I headed for Petalburg Gym.

Get ready, Dad, my Pokémon are BA

First up were the trainers, and I put Smaug up first. The first trainer I faced had a Metagross, that metal claw and that attack could really beat up an Aerodactyl. I had to switch out, but like his Salamence friend, Metagross also had the ability Shadow Tag.
Now in full strategy mode, I used the X Defense and X Attack in my backpack. Like I expected, Metagross started spamming Metal Claw, and I started spamming Super Potions, because Metal Claw still took a little over half of Smaug's HP. Soon after, Metagross won because its attack was raised every now and then, and eventually he took Smaug down to 2 HP with one hit.


My hopes went up for a little bit as he started using Confusion when I had only a little HP left, and that gave me more time to heal him, but that's it. Eventually, Metal Claw did its job. I said my goodbye with a heart ache and sent in fellow dragon Sandy to burn the metal bastard to death. It fought back well with an overpowered Take Down that almost took her out, but the self damage it did just made it easier.

After the battle, I went to bury him in my PC's RIP box. I took Flafa back and went to train a little more. Taking Smaug's death to heart, I pressed to make them all level 33 before I went back into the hell hole that was Petalburg Gym.

RIP #3, Smaug Level 14-30
Your death will not be in vain.

Trainer: Triton
Money: 54852
Badges: 4
Team: King Pepé (Kingdra) Level 33 Ability: Clear Body
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 30 Ability: Shell Armor
     Gigabuzz (Electabuzz) Level 30 Ability: Overgrow
     Tsuntsun (Baltoy) Level 30 Ability: Minus
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 30 Ability: Magma Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 26 Ability: Water Veil
PC: Rala (Krabby) Level 15 Ability: Shed Skin
      Ekel (Cascoon) Level 14 Ability: Color Change
      Jerry (Marill) Level 16 Ability: Insomnia
      Wasp (Beedrill) Level 28 Ability: Arena Trap
      Peeps (Noctowl) Level 20 Ability: Plus
      Tsuki (Teddiursa) Level 5 Ability: Insomnia
      Gaba (Volbeat) Level 20 Ability: Soundproof
      Kaikei (Cradily) Level 16 Ability Magma Armor   

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