Monday, May 27, 2013


Hello! I've learned something as I played the game, and some of it is inconsistent with the introduction, so I'll fix it here.
I said earlier that a TM's compatibility with a Pokémon was determined by whether or not the Pokémon could learn the move without the TM. If it could, the TM was a short cut. THIS IS WRONG
TMs can be learned by a randomly selected portion of the Pokémon. It was something I selected in the randomizer that I forgot about.
So yeah, I now have a Venonat that can learn Hydro Cannon, whereas Pepé (Horsea) cannot learn it.

I already changed this in the intro so new readers don't have to worry.

Also, don't be afraid to comment on my posts.
Any advice, questions, concerns, or even just general feedback is all welcomed. I want to know what you think of it! Thanks, Entry #3 will be up later tonight.

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