Monday, May 27, 2013

Entry #2: Sandy

Trainer: Triton
Money: 3000
Badges: None
Pokémon:  Pepé (Horsea) Level 5 Ability: Volt Absorb

I tried unsuccessfully to make it through Routes 101 and 103 without facing a Pokémon, but in a way it was good because my Horsea gained 2 levels. I defeated May and her poison-stinging Weedle, (She didn't pick Bagon? pfft) and raced her back to get a Pokédex. May gave me some pokéballs as well, so off I am to Route 102!

<-Pepé's fierce rival


                                                           Don't worry guys, I got this.
I almost ran into Route 102 without buying more pokéballs first, and if I run into something rare, I WANT TO CATCH IT. Good thing I did, too. They came in handy when I ran into a female level 4 Charizard (These dragons are flocking to me like magnets). All it did was growl and throw smoke in my face, so I named it Sandy. Sandy is timid and has the ability Shell Armor. I went off to train Pepé and Sandy before their battles through the trainers of Route 102.



At level 7 each, my Pokémon did very well against the trainers, and I made it to Petalburg with hardly a scratch. I rested them up anyway and went to visit the gym, where my Dad made me babysit Wally while he went to catch a Pokémon. He ran into a Ralts, sent out a Zigzagoon, and used Tackle.
Tackle FAILED, Ralts had the Wonder Guard ability. Miraculously, his pokéball still worked, and he caught the Ralts. I feel sorry for Wally, the randomizer will change his Pokémon when I next battle him. My advantage, though!
After taking Wally back, I continued on to the next route and caught Flafa, a cute little fluffy Venonat!
Thanks to the dynamic combo of Pepé and Sandy's water and fire, training it up was easy. Off to the forest!

It's lonely, don't you want to cuddle it?

Trainer: Triton
Money: 1128
Badges: None
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 12 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 12 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 9 Ability: Water Veil


  1. Oh god Wonder Guard Ralts. That would have been a problem and a half if Wally kept it. I kind of feel bad that he doesn't get to ;-;

  2. Well, when he evolved it, it would get a different ability anyway. It would be so easy to train, though!
