Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Entry #4: My own Cyclops

Trainer: Triton
Money: 4200
Badges: 1
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 15 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 18 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 16 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 8 Ability: Arena Trap
     Spud (Carvanha) Level 6 Ability: Cute Charm

I couldn't chase after the guy right away. Rustboro gym had my Pokémon in less than PWNAGE condition, so I went to heal. The Aqua grunt is cornered in Rusturf Tunnel anyway, unless he somehow has the Rock Smash HM. Then he has to get a gym badge from Mauville's Wattson..

Team "Aqua?"
Meet team Shock Wave, Bro

I know that the Pokémon are randomized, but I'm pretty sure that the Grunt's level 11 Porygon would still disintegrate even at Rustboro's gym without serious training. Pepé, of course, had no problem bombing it dead with explosive bubbles while it kept using conversion to get a type advantage (Dude, play with your chemistry on your own time?). After the grunt scrammed, I took the Goods and gave a stolen Pokémon, Peeko (Wingull) back to his panicking master Briney.

Back in Rustboro, I received another Great Ball from the man and followed him back to Devon Corps to meet the President. He gave me the Goods to deliver to Slateport, because I obviously had more potential to protect them than his subordinate. He also gave me a Letter for Steven in Dewford town, and then a PokéNav (Cell phone and GPS)! Needless to say, I left for Dewford Town tech savvy and confident.



I hitched a boat ride from Briney, who had a cabin near Petalburg and could easily cross the sea. Soon I was in Dewford, and just like Rustboro, I set out to Dewford Cave to get another companion.
If you go deep enough inside Dewford Cave, it gets reeeeeaaallly dark, and going in and out without Flash is a challenge, especially in Nuzlocke, because there's the survival aspect to add on to the navigation, the Pokémon are high leveled and more formidable. That's what everybody says. Do you know what I say?
That formidable high-leveled Pokémon is worth it in Nuzlocke, so I used a repel to keep battles away until I was in the dark. Randomizer or not, I want a deep-cave dweller, and I got exactly what I wanted - A huge level 10 male muscle-ized MACHAMP!  I named him Polyphemus, after the huge cyclops that resides deep in a cave on the island of Cyclopes in Greek mythology.

He fits the bill accept for the cyclops part. His Karate Chop literally destroys everything (46 attack at level 15).

He also has Magma Armor, you know, because freezing that hotness is just not possible.

Afterwards, I used the cave for training. There were Latias, Espeons, and Deoxys that gave really good amounts of experience, especially to my Carvanha Spud, because Psychic moves don't work and Bite (lovebite) knocks them out very quickly. Eventually, I found Steven and delivered the letter. He gave me TM 47, which would contain Steel Wing, but was randomized to Sketch...
Click the link if you don't know what it is, this move is freaking sweet. Of my Pokémon, Sandy (Charizard) can learn it, and who needs Growl, anyway? This should be interesting...
Moving on from that, I cleared Brawly's gym no problem with a now level 16 overpowered Polyphemus. I got my second badge and the TM for Bulk Up that was now the move Rest.
Polyphemus could learn it, but it didn't seem right.
Off to Slateport!!

Trainer: Triton
Money: 11838
Badges: 2
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 18 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 19 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 17 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 15 Ability: Arena Trap
     Spud (Carvanha) Level 16 Ability: Cute Charm
     Polyphemus (Machamp) Level 19 Ability: Magma Armor

Monday, May 27, 2013

Entry #3: Rustboro City

Trainer: Triton
Money: 1128
Badges: None
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 12 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 12 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 9 Ability: Water Veil

In Petalburg Woods, my first encounter was with a level 5 male Goldeen. After I caught it and named it HERN [It has a horn, and I've been hearing ermergerds all day), I was unsure what to do. I already had a Horsea, but its ability Damp and the obvious prospect of possibly losing Horsea in the future convinced me to train it. Despite this resolution, I was reckless...
Near Petalburg, I sent HERN in at half HP into a battle with a level 3 Dodrio. I made to switch out for Sandy. The Dodrio had other plans and landed a critical hit Pursuit (Does double damage if you are planning to switch out). HERN stood no chance, and is now with the other unicorn fish in the clouds.

Hey there!

Welcome to the team!

This is Pepé

This is Fla.. hey, where are you going?


 Alright then...

RIP #1 - HERN - Goldeen

Now without a need to train, I again began to push through Petalburg Woods. Half way through, I bumped into a nice businessman who was going to ask for directions. Then a Team Aqua thug ran up and demanded the Devon Goods, and I wouldn't have that. I sent out Flafa and was faced with a Snorlax. Although I was daunted, Flafa was able to confuse him, disable Tackle (Now it could only use Amnesia), and knock it out with her own tackle (Gained a level for that, HA). The guy gave me a great ball for my trouble, and soon I was out of the woods.

The first guy I ran into outside of the woods gave me a TM 09, which should contain Bullet Seed, but in this case it held Hydro Pump. Yey water TMs!! The randomizer wouldn't let me teach it to any of my Pokémon, however, and I moved on to Rustboro City.

I healed my Pokémon and immediately set out to find more companions in Route 116 and Rusturf Tunnel. I had a very tough bout with Pepé against a level 8 Beedrill that only knew Fury Attack and had a special hatred of pokéballs. I had to give in and use my only Great Ball, which caught it. I named it Wasp, because it is definitely more of a basket case than a bee. It also has the ability Arena Trap.... Don't anger this one, I tell ya xD

Say Hello to Waspdrill, he doesn't like rude people. He doesn't like polite people either, but in this case you should take all of the good karma you can get.

In Rusturf Tunnel, I ran into a Level 6 Carvanha. One Tackle, one Pokéball, and it's mine. I named it Spud, because it reminds me of a dog who runs out of nowhere and jumps into your arms. And its ability? Cute Charm


With that done, I gained a bunch of levels, took down Rustboro Gym, got TM 39 Powder Snow (no one can learn it yet), and was about to head to Dewford when a chase whizzed past me. The goods were stolen again? Oh boy...

Trainer: Triton
Money: 4200
Badges: 1
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 15 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 18 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 16 Ability: Water Veil
     Wasp (Beedrill) Level 8 Ability: Arena Trap
     Spud (Carvanha) Level 6 Ability: Cute Charm


Hello! I've learned something as I played the game, and some of it is inconsistent with the introduction, so I'll fix it here.
I said earlier that a TM's compatibility with a Pokémon was determined by whether or not the Pokémon could learn the move without the TM. If it could, the TM was a short cut. THIS IS WRONG
TMs can be learned by a randomly selected portion of the Pokémon. It was something I selected in the randomizer that I forgot about.
So yeah, I now have a Venonat that can learn Hydro Cannon, whereas Pepé (Horsea) cannot learn it.

I already changed this in the intro so new readers don't have to worry.

Also, don't be afraid to comment on my posts.
Any advice, questions, concerns, or even just general feedback is all welcomed. I want to know what you think of it! Thanks, Entry #3 will be up later tonight.

Entry #2: Sandy

Trainer: Triton
Money: 3000
Badges: None
Pokémon:  Pepé (Horsea) Level 5 Ability: Volt Absorb

I tried unsuccessfully to make it through Routes 101 and 103 without facing a Pokémon, but in a way it was good because my Horsea gained 2 levels. I defeated May and her poison-stinging Weedle, (She didn't pick Bagon? pfft) and raced her back to get a Pokédex. May gave me some pokéballs as well, so off I am to Route 102!

<-Pepé's fierce rival


                                                           Don't worry guys, I got this.
I almost ran into Route 102 without buying more pokéballs first, and if I run into something rare, I WANT TO CATCH IT. Good thing I did, too. They came in handy when I ran into a female level 4 Charizard (These dragons are flocking to me like magnets). All it did was growl and throw smoke in my face, so I named it Sandy. Sandy is timid and has the ability Shell Armor. I went off to train Pepé and Sandy before their battles through the trainers of Route 102.



At level 7 each, my Pokémon did very well against the trainers, and I made it to Petalburg with hardly a scratch. I rested them up anyway and went to visit the gym, where my Dad made me babysit Wally while he went to catch a Pokémon. He ran into a Ralts, sent out a Zigzagoon, and used Tackle.
Tackle FAILED, Ralts had the Wonder Guard ability. Miraculously, his pokéball still worked, and he caught the Ralts. I feel sorry for Wally, the randomizer will change his Pokémon when I next battle him. My advantage, though!
After taking Wally back, I continued on to the next route and caught Flafa, a cute little fluffy Venonat!
Thanks to the dynamic combo of Pepé and Sandy's water and fire, training it up was easy. Off to the forest!

It's lonely, don't you want to cuddle it?

Trainer: Triton
Money: 1128
Badges: None
Pokémon: Pepé (Horsea) Level 12 Ability: Volt Absorb
     Sandy (Charizard) Level 12 Ability: Shell Armor
     Flafa (Venonat) Level 9 Ability: Water Veil

Entry #1: Beginnings

Trainer: Unknown
Money: None
Badges: None
Party Pokémon: None

Hmm, a name? I'm 5 seconds in and already facing indecision.
I have always named myself either some version of Sam or something to do with outer space, and it's been a while since I've done the latter (I might as well establish my nerd status now :D). I'll pick on the moons of the Solar System this time, Triton of Neptune seems appropriate!

I wake up in a moving truck, and shortly after I arrive "safely" at Littleroot Town.

It wasn't my fault, I promise

I set the time, picked up the potion in my PC, missed my Dad's battle yet again, met the neighbors, and went to explore the outside world. As always, this beginning went by really fast, up to the point where Professor Birch is being chased around by a Zigzagoon. Better help him!
And my choices are...
-Deep Breath-
Horsea, Bagon, and Weedle

Of course, Kingdra can only happen if I somehow find a Pokémon holding a Dragon Scale, which would be really cool, but I definitely wouldn't mind a Seadra, either.
So Horsea completely destroyed the Zigzagoon with Bubble (Not affected by Growl, HA) and after talking with Birch, I finally nicknamed it.
It took awhile. The thing is, I couldn't get the kissy face look out of my mind, and I racked my brain for the perfect name.  Then Looney Tunes saved the day, behold Pepé! For Pepé Le Pew the kissy kissy romantic skunk. Appropriately, its nature is Naughty XD

OOOH, Pepé has an item as well? TM 19, randomized to.. HYDRO CANNON
After my initial shock, I realized how useless it might be. I would have to catch one of the 3 water starters to use it. Oh well, it might come in handy!
EDIT: Coming back, any one of my Pokémon might be able to learn it in the future, because of the randomizer. :D

Trainer: Triton
Money: 3000
Badges: None
Pokémon: Pepé [Horsea] Level 5 Ability: Volt Absorb <-- YEAH!!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Introduction: Rules, Randomizers, and other notes

Hello! Welcome to my Nuzlocke journal. As it says, this is a run of Pokémon Emerald, but it also has a twist, or rather, lots of twists. A friend introduced me to a ROM randomizer that allows me to do certain things to Pokémon games that I download on my computer, and I can do anything from customizing the starters to randomizing the moves that TMs teach! I have played around with it a bit already - it's fun, challenging (depending on parameters of course), and I'm really excited to try a full run and share it with you all.

For those readers who are new to Nuzlocke, I will explain the rules, and then for all I'll explain what I did to my game with the randomizer.

Nuzlocke Rules:
Rule #1: When entering a new route, cave, or town, I can only catch the first Pokémon I meet, no exceptions, including at the beginning of the game when I don't have pokéballs. If it faints, it runs away, or I run out of pokéballs, there is no second chance.

Rule #2: If one of my Pokémon "faints," it is considered dead and will be forever buried in a box labeled RIP in my PC.  I cannot use a revive or go back to the route it was caught in and catch another.

Sometimes players add their own to make variations of the challenge, but these are the basic rules. I will add some things, though:

Optional Rule #1: My Pokémon cannot use held items, accept for berries. NATURE!!

Optional Rule #2: I will nickname all of my Pokémon, creatively if I can. The Pokémon in a Nuzlocke team are special, coming through the labyrinth of variables and equations to meet you in that special first encounter. The bond I form with them is important!

This is where it gets fun, hehe :)
RANDOM #1 - My selection of starters will be selected randomly from only Pokémon that evolve twice (All the starters, Pidgey, Abra, Dratini, Lotad, Oddish, etc.).

RANDOM #2 - All evolutions that were once trade-based are now level or item-based. If the Pokémon required an item when it was traded, it will be item based. If not, it will be level based. I do not know what level each Pokémon has to hit because I haven't used it enough... we'll see!

RANDOM #3 - Pokémon I catch may have a random item when they are caught.

RANDOM #4 - Pokémon I encounter in the wild will also be randomized, including all from Bulbasaur to Jirachi this time. Yes, I may have a level 6 Mew in my party and not even be at Petalburg yet, although it's very unlikely.

RANDOM #5 - The trainers I battle will have random Pokémon, not including legendaries. They will also have random names with no regard to gender, like Rich Boy Julia. If I run into funny ones like Breeder Po with six Mime Jr.s, it won't be left out, I promise. xD
The only exception here is my Rival, she will have her starter through the whole game. She may have different Pokémon accompanying the starter, though.

EDITED: RANDOM #6 - TMs and Move Tutors now teach random moves, and the moves can be taught to random Pokémon. For example, TM 17 may contain Wing Attack, and Pokémon like Trapinch can learn it, while Golbat will have to wait until it learns through leveling up.

RANDOM #7 - All Pokémon will have random abilities, including Wonder Guard. It's set so that two Pokémon of the same species will have the same ability, so if I encounter a Zigzagoon with Water Absorb in Route 103. All other Zigzagoons in the game will also have Water Absorb.
EDIT: It appears that, if a Pokémon can have two abilities, they are replaced by random ones and therefore can have two different random abilities in the game.

Other Notes:

For your convenience, whenever I mention a Pokémon, I will add in the Bulbapedia page as a direct link. Just click on the name of the Pokémon and you can see its picture, moves, history, and everything else they keep in that encyclopedia. I know it's hard to remember all of them sometimes, and I'll save you the Google/Bing/Yahoo search. I will do the same for abilities.
Also, to summarize my posts, I will display my statistics at the beginning and end of each journal entry. If you're the type that likes spoilers, just peek at the bottom.

Lastly, I want to thank you in advance for following my little adventure. Nuzlocke challenges have been a hobby of mine for a while now, and I love the reality it adds to the games. This randomizer just makes the challenge even more interesting.  I encourage you all to try it sometime, maybe even blog it, but that's your choice. For now, I'll do my best to make this fun (and successful I hope). To be the best there ever was... LET THE JOURNEY BEGIN!